On the go #10
While reading initially appealed less to me in January, the creative itch for once persisted well after the Christmas making frenzy, resulting in me starting a couple of new things or continuing with the old. At Christmas the subject of relaxation activities came up. You probably know what I mean: puzzles, coloring books for adults, diamond painting, etc. My niece…
Granny Square Vest
Finally! FI.NAL.LY! There’s nothing like gift giving season to make me jump into action and finish projects I’ve been working on for too long! The story of this vest started in the early spring of 2023, when I spotted this model in the Terre Bleue window. I immediately felt the urge to start crocheting again and I started planning diligently.…
On the go #9
I had hoped that if I planned to blog at least monthly about my works in progress, this would provide some kind of counterbalance to my eternal indecision and doubt, and therefore encourage me to make decisions a little faster. Unfortunately, I don’t really notice much change in my behaviour as of yet, so I’m afraid this is going to…
On the go #8
Slowly, a little too slowly for my liking, autumn is creeping into the land. Not so much the weather, but rather the shops radiate this. The mannequins are given warmer autumn fashion, coziness with candles and plaids is promoted and, for those stores that sell them, more and more woolen items are becoming available. I always enjoy looking at the…
On the go #7
I’m one of those bloggers who isn’t really good at writing about unfinished things. I always wait to write about something when I’ve finished it and go “LOOK WHAT I MADE!”. However, I always enjoy reading posts about ongoing projects, because I like to see projects grow and evolve. Plus, I think if I talked more about the things I’m…
Orbit the dragon with wings
A while back I crocheted Orbit the dragon from the free pattern by Projectarian. Initially I wanted to combine the dragon’s cute ears with the wings available in the expansion pack, but I eventually decided against it. However, I did decide that I would one day crochet the expansion pack dragon with wings. It took me quite a while, but…
Genre blanket 2022: December
Yes! It’s finally done! The last stripes of my genre blanket have been crocheted!! I am so happy with the result! In December I read 9 more books across 5 different genres. This time I also read the same genre twice in a row, so that the blanket got two same coloured stripes one after the other. December genres 1.…
Genre blanket 2022: November
Some great progress! Another month finished, not even a week after I finished October! Granted, November was a fairly light reading month compared to other months, with only 7 books read, but still! And yes, it took me another week before I got to writing this blog, lol. November genres 1. Sci-Fi 2. Horror 3. Horror 4. Graphic Novel 5.…
Genre blanket 2022: October
Talking about procrastination, how embarrassing is it that I’m still working on this 2022 genre blanket? Admittedly, I only have the last trimester left, but still, we are now almost halfway through 2023! Tsk, tsk! Fortunately, my desire to knit or crochet is starting to rekindle. Coupled with beautiful weekend days and an audio book in the ear and I…
Genre blanket 2022: September
The genre blanket I wanted to make in 2022 is still not completely finished. It grows slowly but steadily. It is clear that I will still keep me busy for a while in 2023. That is why I have completely reconciled myself with my decision not to start a new one for 2023. Otherwise I would completely overstress myself, which…