Genre blanket 2022: November
Some great progress! Another month finished, not even a week after I finished October!
Granted, November was a fairly light reading month compared to other months, with only 7 books read, but still! And yes, it took me another week before I got to writing this blog, lol.
November genres
1. Sci-Fi
2. Horror
3. Horror
4. Graphic Novel
5. Mystery
6. Adult Fantasy
7. YA Fantasy
So in November 2022 I read 7 books, spread over 6 genres! It’s a bit of a shame that the genre I read two books from comes right after each other, especially because it’s just one of the darker colours and therefore really attracts your eyes.

But if you look at the blanket from afar, it’s not that bad in the end.
I still think it’s great that the dark stripes throughout the year (dark purple for horror, dark blue for historical romance and dark green for historical) give an extra oumph to the whole at almost fixed intervals. I chose those colors quite by chance based on the amount of yarn I had in stash and assigned them to genres I read relatively little of. In the end, that effect is really nice.

The skewing of the blanket is in the end not all that bad. Yes, it continues to pull to one side, but I’m starting to see that I might be able to straighten it out when wet!
And now I only have one more month to crochet! Finally! 9 more lines to go! And then decide whether or not I’m going to crochet a border or not 😛