Genre blanket 2022: December
Yes! It’s finally done! The last stripes of my genre blanket have been crocheted!! I am so happy with the result! In December I read 9 more books across 5 different genres. This time I also read the same genre twice in a row, so that the blanket got two same coloured stripes one after the other. December genres 1.…
Genre blanket 2022: November
Some great progress! Another month finished, not even a week after I finished October! Granted, November was a fairly light reading month compared to other months, with only 7 books read, but still! And yes, it took me another week before I got to writing this blog, lol. November genres 1. Sci-Fi 2. Horror 3. Horror 4. Graphic Novel 5.…
Genre blanket 2022: October
Talking about procrastination, how embarrassing is it that I’m still working on this 2022 genre blanket? Admittedly, I only have the last trimester left, but still, we are now almost halfway through 2023! Tsk, tsk! Fortunately, my desire to knit or crochet is starting to rekindle. Coupled with beautiful weekend days and an audio book in the ear and I…
Genre blanket 2022: September
The genre blanket I wanted to make in 2022 is still not completely finished. It grows slowly but steadily. It is clear that I will still keep me busy for a while in 2023. That is why I have completely reconciled myself with my decision not to start a new one for 2023. Otherwise I would completely overstress myself, which…
Genre blanket: August
Finally some more progress in my genre blanket of 2022! Since we are already quite far into the first month of 2023, I have put the idea of making another bookish blanket in the closet this year. I thought about it for a while, because it really is a very cool concept with surprising results. But since I still have…
Genre blanket: July
I’m quite a bit behind on my genre blanket these days. All my crafting time has been spent on knitting lately, but more on that in a next post 😉 I only just finished July in my genre blanket, and unfortunately haven’t gotten further along with the other months yet. There’s just so much I want to do, and so…
Genre blanket: June
June turned out to be another good and varied reading month, albeit a bit more Sci-Fi heavy than usual, but that’s a genre I want to read more of anyway. In total I read nine books spread over 6 different genre blanket genres. Juni genres 1. Sci-Fi 2. Thriller 3. Sci-Fi 4. YA Fantasy 5. Historical Romance 6. Sci-Fi 7.…
Genre blanket: May
After the profilic reading month of April, May became a slightly more relaxed month in terms of books read. In total I finished five books, all in a different genre, meaning that I could add another five different colours to my genre blanket! Mei genres 1. Adult Fantasy 2. Mystery 3. YA Fantasy 4. Horror 5. Romance Recently I got…
Genre blanket: April
April was a very prolific reading month, due to the first semester of the new magical readathon by G. Readathons always motivate me to read a lot and this was definitely the case in April, where I read a total of 16 books. This of course also meant quite a lot of crocheting for my genre blanket, for which I…
Comet CAL #1
Last Wednesday marked the beginning of the CAL for Comet the Unicorn by Projectarian. All those who purchased the pattern will now be receiving a part of the pattern every week until December 12th. After I purchased the pattern, I started digging in my yarn stash. I refused to buy new yarn, since I have more than enough lying around…