• Made

    ♪ The cold never bothered me anyway ♪

    After I finished my blouse in sewing class, there were still two lessons left before Christmas break. I had already decided on my next project, but I didn’t really feel like starting it already. So instead I brought a project to class for which the pieces had been cut since summer, but for which I didn’t have the courage to…

  • Made

    Sewing a blouse

    I don’t think I have ever mentioned here, on the English side of the blog, that I also started sewing. During the school year of 2016-2017 I enrolled in a basic sewing course for beginners. This was the very first time ever that I touched a sewing machine and the classes marked the beginning of a (difficult) learning process with…

  • Made

    Adventure in colour

    For the birthday of one of my nieces, I wanted to knit a cute dress and I had fallen in love with a pattern that required a technique that I have been wanting to learn since before I could knit: fair isle knitting. The Banasik Tunic by designer Anna Rauf, or Cicha on Ravelry, is a seamless dress that’s knit…

  • Made

    Every little girl wants to be queen Elsa

    The plan to systematically translate my Flemish (=Dutch) posts in English has lost a bit of its wind, since I’ve been omitting so much translations. My last translation dates as far back as October 2015, while I have been posting fairly regularly in Dutch. I think this is partly because I don’t know how much interest there is in my…

  • Made

    Made another security blanket

    I’ve been neglecting this place again, haven’t I? These last two weeks were a bit *meh*. I had to briefly go to Finland again for work and once I got back I wasn’t feeling 100%. But I never feel sick enough to justify to myself to stay home and I also don’t easily go to the doctor. So I kept…

  • Made

    Gus the knight

    One of my colleagues became mom to a little boy named Gus last November. The announcement featured this tough-looking knight. So when I got to test a pattern for a knight doll for Annelies from Vicarno , I already knew to whom I was going to give my knight. I’ve finished my doll a while back, but I was not…

  • Made

    That time I tried to make roses from clay

    A while back I said that I was totally intrigued by the beautiful things people could make out of clay and that I also wanted to try it out. And recently in the shops I saw a packet of air-dry modelling clay for a ridicoulisly low price, so yeah, why not give it a try? The clay was grey, like…

  • Made

    Moana ta-dah!

    Finished! The knit dress in Catania is finished! As I mentioned before, the dress turned out a little smaller than I had hoped. The chest size is only 57cm, while I had hoped for 61cm. Therefore I also compensated in the length and knit to 51cm. You can see a couple of sloppy areas, especially where I had to begin…

  • Made

    Almost two years later

    In a previous message I mentioned I was thinking about starting a new crochet project, but instead I picked up an old unfinished project! This bolero was started over 2 years ago from a free pattern found through Ravelry. It’s made from 10 squares, which I finished and assembled on the go. And then I got stuck on the border.…

  • Made

    Random ripple blanket: Ta-dah!

    I’ve finished it for a while now, but I wanted to wait to show it here until I had given it to its recipient. I made this ripple as a special request by my goddaughter and Sunday I gave it to her on her birthday party. I had been tempted a couple of times to give the blanket sooner, because…