• Made

    Super Mario and Luigi hats

    My Super Mario creations for Christmas were not limited to the various keychains. While I was looking for inspiration for making those keychains, I stumbled upon this pattern by Laura Michels for large wearable Mario and Luigi hats. Although my hands were already feeling the strain of making the keychains, I couldn’t resist making these too, for my youngest godchild…

  • Made

    Christmas keychains – Super Mario

    After the Korean animal keychains it’s time to tell you more about the other keychains I made for Christmas. As I said in my previous post, while crocheting the SKZOO I started to doubt whether this gift was appropriate for all my nieces and nephews. I actually based myself entirely on what my oldest godchild likes and assumed that the…

  • Made

    Christmas keychains – SKZoo

    Let me take a break from posting about my backlog of book boxes to tell you about all the things I made for Christmas presents this past holiday season. My fingers had been itching to start making something to give to my nieces and nephews for Christmas for a while, but I had zero inspiration. As the weeks flew by,…

  • Made

    Houndstooth jacket

    Although I am super happy with the end result of the sewing project I want to show in this post, it was a long-winded job and I also fear a little bit the cause of my current sewing burn-out. It all started in December 2023, when I brought a light blue houndstooth fabric to sewing class to use for a…

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    Fax the shadowraven

    While reading Harbinger of Justice by Andrew Watson, I got the unstoppable urge to crochet a raven, since one of my favourite characters in the book is a shadow creature whose prefered form is that of a raven. Since it was also almost Halloween and a raven would fit in well with the rest of my fall/Halloween decor, I happily…

  • Made

    Gingham blanket

    Besides endlessly starting new crochet and knitting projects, I also sometimes finish something! This project appeared once in an “on the go”, when I had just started it. A niece had shared the happy news of her pregnancy, which for me is always the signal to start working on the baby blanket as a maternity gift! This time my eye…

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    On the go #13

    For many of the recurring posts I write here, I aim to have them appear once a month. Often it takes longer than a month, sometimes because I just don’t get around to it, sometimes because I have nothing to say and sometimes because I don’t feel like it, lol. For the “on the go” posts it’s been almost a…

  • Made

    On the go #12

    Like many crafters, I have several half-finished projects lying around. Some I started with great enthusiasm, only to lose interest along the way. Others I am absolutely certain I will finish, but I keep getting sidetracked by newer ideas. This past summer, I dug into a box of those lost/forgotten projects and made a few decisions. Picking Flowers Sweater I…

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    On the go #11

    My making frenzy seems to have subsided somewhat last month, but I am very happy that I still regularly knit, crochet and sew! I worked on two ongoing projects, completed a request and started a new project. I haven’t continued with the embroidery/hat project from the last updated unfortunately. It will probably take me some time to work up the…

  • Made

    Hat experiment

    In my last On the go post, I talked about finding a hat project that I started over a year ago, but had completely forgotten about. At the time I was busy playing with my new https://charami.com/tag/addi-express-en/ (I really need to get back to that again soon) and I had made the base for a hat for myself, with colours…