Book unhaul #2
In 2024 I want to make a bigger effort to find books that I no longer care about a new home. At the end of 2023 I already made a first move by unhauling a set to a little free library.
In that post I also talked about the idea of starting a Vinted shop, to try and recover a few cents when finding a new home for my books. And that’s exactly what I did a few days ago.
For my first introduction as a Vinted seller, I chose 11 paperbacks from my bookshelf, good for 10 Vinted items!
Leigh Bardugo – Ninth House
When I read this at the end of 2022, I really loved this one! [→ review]
I also really liked its successor, Hell Bent, which I read in early 2023. [→ review]
So when Illumicrate announced exclusive special editions, I decided to splurge on them. So no need to keep this paperback on my shelves.
Adrian Tchaikovsky – Children of Ruin
This book is proof of how bad I sometimes get.
I bought this sequel to the brilliant Children of Time in Waterstones during my lunch break at work, only to buy it again a few weeks later because I’d forgotten I’d bought it before.
Good job, Charlotte!
Daniel O’Malley – The Rook
A book that made me throw in the towel a while back. I gave it a fair shot, but when I started to feel reluctance to read, I decided to DNF. Since it didn’t appeal to me, I don’t think it’s necessary to keep it around!
Karin Tanabe – The Gilded Years
I did finish this one, but was rather disappointed. So also no point in keeping it.
Natasha Ngan – Girls of Paper and Fire
Another one that I just found ok and for which I have no interest in reading its sequels.
Renée Ahdieh – The Wrath & the Dawn
Another disappointing book, so hopefully it’ll find a home that will appreciate it more!
Julianna Baggott – Pure & Fuse
These two I haven’t read. Though I would still be interested in a dystopian plot, not so much from the YA-perspective anymore. Since these are books in the same series, I decided to sell them as a package deal.
Colleen Gleason – The Rest Falls Away
Another one I bought too long ago and am currently no longer interested in.
Lindsay Galvin – The Secret Deep
This one was purchased for a secret-santa, but when it arrived damaged, I purchased a second copy. The damaged one has been waiting on my bookshelves since, but I’m never interested in reading it.
Stephanie Chong – Where Demons Fear to Tread
I can’t remember when and where I bought this one. Probably came to me from the UK. I think I’ve read it, but it hasn’t left much of an impression.
And those are my first ten articles as a seller on Vinted.
I found the posting a little nervewracking: taking pictures, writing descriptions, deciding on a price. I just guessed at it. We’ll see how things go, if I can actually unhaul these books in this fashion.
For my first book it already went well, since I sold it on the same day as posting! Hopefully a good sign.
If anyones interested, here’s a link to my Vinted profile.
To be continued, probably!