If you can’t appreciate the small…
I’m really pleased with my latest purchase. Like a small child. Yes, this ordinary looking basket really made me happy.
You can probably guess the purpose of this basket, no?
Keeping together skeins of yarn, of course. The yarns I’m currently working with in particularly.
Before, I always used plastic backs to keep together the yarn of my current project. This worked, but it wasn’t very tidy or practical. All the colours were in disarray, which caused me long digs in search of the next colour.
And then I saw this basket on sale. I was immediately sold and I must say, now that I have been using the basket for a couple of days, I can’t imagine going back to the plastic bags. All skeins are clearly visible and arranged. The next colour is easily picked out!
The basket is not only practical, it’s also pretty to look at. It’s definitely tidier than the plastic bags 😉 .
So it doesn’t always have to be expensive or special to be appreciated ^_^
And what about my patchwork blanket? It is steadily growing.
It has even become my new train project!
Every day I take two colours with me and crochet a couple of squares. Sometimes I only crochet one of each colours, sometimes I crochet more, so that every now and then my blanket gets a growth spurt.
I’m currently working on a tutorial for the square.
It’s a simple granny square, but I noticed I make mine a little bit different then others, so I thought I’d explain here.
To attach the squares I’m using a join-as-you-go method for the first time, namely the one by Attic24.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!