• Read

    Reading journal May 2023

    Yes, if I’m a little behind with onething, then it’s easy to fall behind with something else, such as my reading journal. Although I did finish my title page in time for May, writing the reviews took a bit longer than usual, mainly because I wasn’t really super enthusiastic about a number of the books read. But the title page…

  • Read

    Read in June 2023

    Phew, we’re already August, but I still haven’t written about the books I read in June! To be honest, I’ve neglected writing reviews lately and once I fall behind, it’s hard to catch back up, given that time doesn’t stand still, of course. But also, June was a really bad reading month and most of my notes on the books…

  • Work in Progress

    Genre blanket 2022: November

    Some great progress! Another month finished, not even a week after I finished October! Granted, November was a fairly light reading month compared to other months, with only 7 books read, but still! And yes, it took me another week before I got to writing this blog, lol. November genres 1. Sci-Fi 2. Horror 3. Horror 4. Graphic Novel 5.…

  • Read

    Reading journal April 2023

    April was the month of the magical readathon and as always, this also features prominently in my reading journal. This time, instead of doing my monthly spread first, I decided to do a sort of recap of my journey in the readathon so far. The plan is that I will make a similar page at the very front for my…

  • Read

    Read in May 2023

    May was a bit of a colourless reading month. I was not very lucky with the books I chose. Even though I read a few good books, the feeling of reluctance and antipathy prevailed. In total, I read 8 books in May, amounting to 2494 pages, significantly less than any previous month of this year. The average May book comes…

  • Work in Progress

    Genre blanket 2022: October

    Talking about procrastination, how embarrassing is it that I’m still working on this 2022 genre blanket? Admittedly, I only have the last trimester left, but still, we are now almost halfway through 2023! Tsk, tsk! Fortunately, my desire to knit or crochet is starting to rekindle. Coupled with beautiful weekend days and an audio book in the ear and I…

  • Read

    Read in April 2023

    April was Magical Readathon month, so this usually means a lot of books are being finished. Even though I did read quite a bit more in april, both in number of books as pages, compared to previous months, I didn’t go too overboard. In total I read 13 books, amounting to 4425 pages. The average April book comes to 340…

  • Read

    First Law Along #3: Last Argument of Kings

    After finishing Before They Are Hanged I just couldn’t wait to continue with this series. According to the schedule of the First Law Along readathon the third book is to be read by the end of June, but I already finished it in April. Since this is the third book of the first First Law trilogie, it’s quite possible that…

  • Read

    Fairyloot Adult #11: The Last Tale of the Flower Bride

    Originally, Fairyloot’s focus was on Young-Adult Fantasy books, but that changed in 2022 with the launch of their Adult Fantasy Book-Only subscription. As a subscriber to their normal YA subscription, I was given priority to sign up for this new service and as a book and fantasy enthusiast, I couldn’t resist. The first theme for 2023 was Sinister Secrets and…

  • Read

    First Law Along #2: Before They Are Hanged

    Tonight is the live show for the second book in the First Law Along readathon. If you don’t know what this is, I talked about this earlier in my Readathons for 2023 post and also in the first update made for this readathon, but in short the plan for this readathon is to read one book from Joe Abercrombie‘s First…