
Orbit the dragon with wings

A while back I crocheted Orbit the dragon from the free pattern by Projectarian. Initially I wanted to combine the dragon’s cute ears with the wings available in the expansion pack, but I eventually decided against it. However, I did decide that I would one day crochet the expansion pack dragon with wings.

It took me quite a while, but recently I have felt the urge to crochet again and decided to make this little fellow. I found a skein of variegated yarn in my stash that I thought looked perfect for a dragon base.

Initially I planned to combine that variegated yarn with mostly yellow shades, but when I had crocheted my dragon’s cheeks in pink, I started questioning that decision. I liked the effect of the brighter colour with the variegated yarn, so maybe I could pick some more brighter shades instead of just yellow?

For the belly I eventually went with a turquoise shade that matched one of the shades in the variegated yarn almost perfectly.
For his back paws I used the same pink as for his cheeks, but ran out of that shade before I could make the front paws. So for those I chose a bright orange colour.

And with those colours my palette was complete: variegated yarn with turquoise, fluo pink, orange and yellow.

Want to see the result?

Isn’t he cute?
I’m so happy with how he turned out and that I chose to be a little more adventurous with my colour choices!

The only thing I omitted were the back fins.
Each time I make a doll like this I wonder why I don’t make more of them. And then I start the process of sewing them together and I’m reminded why not, lol. I always end up with a blister and a couple of stab wounds, so my hands need their rest after making one of these.
For this one, I had crocheted and sewn together all pieces up to the back fins. I was still deciding which colours I wanted to do those, just one or also different shades. And my hands were a bit sore at that point, so I decided to let it sit for a while. But the more I looked at my dragon, the more I felt he was finished. He didn’t really need his fins.

Makes him almost even cuter!
