Reading journal February 2023
My reading journal for February got an accidental Beauty and the Beast theme. I started with a picture I had printed a long time ago of a lady in a beautiful red dress and a beautifully written font of “Februari” combined with a red-grey pattern, which I cut out of a calendar of last year.
Those two elements together immediately gave me Beauty and the Beast vibes, so I had to combine them with some more images of books, libraries and roses. The theme was fully confirmed by adding a screenshot from the live action Disney movie. Together with red, gray and silver coloured pens and markers it all came together quite nicely.
The rest of course follows the same scheme and theme.
I had a really hard time picking a favourite book for February, since I really liked most books I read this month for their own particular reason and I always find it hard to pitch them against each other.
Of course I could rely on my rating, but I actually find it difficult to see that on its own. I always judge books in light of other similar books. For example, I will not compare a romantic book with an Epic Fantasy, when giving scores, but I will compare it with other romantic books. So even though The Screaming Staircase got 5 stars from me in February – which I fully support, in light of other paranormal middle grades I’ve read – I still chose a book with a lower score for my February favourite, namely the book I think back on with the most intrigue.

To round this off, as always, my pages of individual book reviews. For this I brought out my limited drawing skills, for a somewhat more stylized divider than what I usually go for. I actually think it turned out well 🙂
Now that I see all my pages side by side, I also find it funny how I wrote in more than half of my reviews that I am super curious about the sequel. This also illustrates that I chose really good books to read in February!