Ik heb gewonnen!
Dit is een artikel dat werd gekopieerd uit mijn oude blog. Toen schreef ik nog uitsluitend in het Engels
Ever since I ventured into blogland I have been participating in give-aways posted on the numerous blogs I visit. I never won anything, but participating became a habit. I never expected or anticipated me to win anything.
BUT as you can tell by the title of this post, I have actually won a give-away.
I discovered Inga’s blog “Arctic Strawberries” fairly recently. I don’t remember how I discovered it – probably by clicking on links and keep clicking, like all surfing goes – but I do remember being immediately drawn to Inga’s use of colour. The White and Blue combination she uses, for example in this pillow, is one of my favourite colour-shemes!
Anywho, Inga organised a give-away not long after I discovered her, somewhere in August, and as is my habbit, I participated. HUGE was my surprise when Inga left me a message this Monday saying I had won!
And by God, did I win! I won the item I have been drooling over: A gorgeous granny square cushion cover and lovely bright colours edged in white. Scrumptious!
I’ve been anticipating the arrival of my winning all week and today I finally got a big, padded enveloppe containing the most beautifully soft piece of crochet.
Seriously, the pictures do not do the colours justice. And you wouldn’t believe the softness! Really, I want yarn like that! It’s super soft. Mmmmhhhh.
Inga added a little ball of the green yarn for me to close the cushion cover once I have added a pillow. How thoughtful is that?
Inga, from the bottom of my heart: THANK YOU for this beautiful piece!!! And to the rest of you: Go pay her a visit!