CAL met Dawn Toussaint: Deel 3 – HELP!
Dit is een artikel dat werd gekopieerd uit mijn oude blog. Toen schreef ik nog uitsluitend in het Engels.
Part 3 of the pattern for Padma the elephant is available from Dawn’s blog, here. This part shows us how to crochet Padma’s ears, but I’m a little bit lost. I’m sure I’m doing something wrong, because what I end up with doesn’t look like Dawn’s finished ears. It’s probably something stupid, I’m sure I’ll hit myself over the head for it, but I can’t figure it out.
My troubles start at row 12, where you have to skip 6 stitches.
I skipped 6 stitches from row 11 and did my first single crochet in stitch 7. I then get a sort of 8-shape with 6 stitches on one side and 1+11 on the other. I single crocheted though the next eleven stitches to get to twelve (the single crochet through stitch 7 + 11). I still have an 8-shape, with one sc separating the two circles from the 8. When I then continue with sc-ing through two layers for 6 stitches, I end up with a flat part and an open part.
Because a picture says more than I 1000 words, I made a little collage (click to enlarge):
Can someone help me with showing me what I did wrong here?