The Broken Binding Fantasy Sub #6: October 2024 – January 2025
In January I received another final book in a series via my Fantasy subscription from The Broken Binding. The fact that I have added yet another completely unread series to my bookshelves, I will completely ignore. Instead, I will focus solely on how beautiful they are! What would become my sixth series in this subscription, was announced in August of…
The Broken Binding Fantasy Sub #5: July-August-September 2024
At the end of May, before the end of the previous trilogy, The Broken Binding announced the next series for their Fantasy subscription that would cover the months of July, August and September. This was The Green Bone Saga by Fonda Lee, a series I haven’t read yet, but that I obviously know, given its popularity. The Kaul family is…
The Broken Binding Fantasy Sub #4: April-May-June 2024
It’s been a while since I updated on my Fantasy subscription with The Broken Binding (TBB). So far I’ve received three series through this subscription, two as tier 2 and one as tier 1, which is standard signed by the author with possible extras such as artwork. My fourth series became the first series that I had already heard of…
The Broken Binding Sci-Fi Sub #1: April-June-August 2024
It probably won’t come as news to you that I have serious FOMO about subscription services. So when The Broken Binding announced their bi-monthly Sci-Fi subscription in the same vein as their fantasy boxes, there was really no question about whether or not I would subscribe. heir first series of books would begin in April and end in August, with…
The Broken Binding Sub #3: January-February-March 2024
It’s been a while since I talked about my subscription with The Broken Binding. After receiving my first two series from them, I received an invitation to upgrade my subscription from tier 2 to tier 1. However, the series that followed the Chronicles of the Wolf Queen did not really appeal to me and despite the overwhelming enthusiasm online for…
The Broken Binding Sub #1: April-May-June 2023
It was as if they had smelled it, because shortly after I finally took the decision to cancel my Fairyloot YA subscription, I received an invite from The Broken Binding for their new TIER 2 subscription. The Broken Binding – TBB for writing ease – is an independent bookshop in the UK, specializing in Fantasy and Sci-Fi and often selling…