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    Fairyloot Adult #4: Her Majesty’s Royal Coven

    At the end of last year, Fairyloot announced that they were going to launch a new product in March 2022, namely the Adult Fantasy Book-Only subscription. While their standard subscription focuses on Young-Adult fantasy with extra goodies, this subscription would only contain fantasy books intended for an adult audience. That box would then contain only a book, with no extras.…

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    Read in September 2022

    In September I read a total of 10 books, good for 3507 pages. The average September book is about 351 pages/book. As far as my ratings go, it was definitely a month of lots and lots of highs (a whopping 3 books of 5 stars and 2 of 4 stars) and a few minor lows (1 single book of 2…

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    Read in August 2022

    August was the month of the second semester at Orilium University. Whenever I participate in a readathon like this, my monthly number of books read often increases immensly, because as an overachiever I usually want to do more than what is strictly necessary. However, this month I’ve been trying to restrain myself a bit and enjoy the stories I read…

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    Fairyloot Adult #3: Book of Night

    At the end of last year, Fairyloot announced that they were going to launch a new product in March 2022, namely the Adult Fantasy Book-Only subscription. While their standard subscription focuses on Young-Adult fantasy with extra goodies, this subscription would only contain fantasy books intended for an adult audience. That box would then contain only a book, with no extras.…

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    Fairyloot Adult #2: The City of Dusk

    At the end of last year, Fairyloot announced that they were going to launch a new product in March 2022, namely the Adult Fantasy Book-Only subscription. While their standard subscription focuses on Young-Adult fantasy with extra goodies, this subscription would only contain fantasy books intended for an adult audience. That box would then contain only a book, with no extras.…

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    Magical Readathon: Orilium Autumn Equinox TBR

    August is already the third readathon in G’s (Book Roast) Magical Readathon Series. Until a few years ago, The Magical Readathon was a reading challenge inspired by Harry Potter, but now G has taken a completely different route and invented her own universe: Orilium. In essence, Orilium is a prestigious, magical university in the world of Aeldia. We, as readers,…

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    Mid-year reading 2022

    Since I started keeping a reading journal in 2019, I also started tracking a lot of numbers about the books I read, not only in my journal but also in a massive Excel file containing loads of data on my reading habits. Because I have now collected a couple of years of data, I can now also make some nice…