Read in February 2025
February was a bit of an annoying month for reading, since I had very persistent eye irritations, probably some kind of allergy. Fortunately audiobooks exist, so I was still able to finish a large number of books in February: 10 books, good for 3982 pages. In addition, I also started reading a book, but gave up after 72 pages. In…
Faith Fall Along #2: Valour
The second book of the #FaithFallAlong by Becca’s Catch-up Bookclub was scheduled for January-February with a live show the first Sunday in March. After finishing the first book, I was eager to dive into the sequel. Would it live up to expectations? Due to problems with my eyes, I ended up reading the book as a mix of physically reading…
Sun Eater Read Along #1: Empire of Silence
As you may have read before, I plan on participating in several book clubs this year, including this one hosted by Andrew Watson of the YouTube channel @the_fools_tale. The club – aptly named “Order of Fools” – consists primarily of discussion forums on his Discord, with the goal of reading a voted book together each month. Previously, each book was…
Read in January 2025
In January, I already made a dent in my intention to read more thick books that intimidate me, with two books of over 600 pages, one of which I finished completely and another that will not be finished until (hopefully) next month. But the biggest drivers for choosing my reading material in the first half of the month were the…
Reading in 2025: Planned Readathons and Book Clubs
There is a world of new vocabulary to be found online to make reading a more social activity. I discovered a few years ago that I am up for a reading challenge, and since then the so-called readathons with accompanying prompts have become a permanent fixture in my reading behaviour. I have also tried the occasional readalong and buddy read…
Read in 2024: Most memorable
You will not have missed the fact that I have read quite a bit in 2024. If I put all the covers of the books I started reading in 2024 – and most of which I also finished – next to each other, it really is a wall of books. On the Flemish side of this blog, I already highlighted…
Faith Fall Along #1: Malice
I haven’t quite decided in which readathons and bookclubs I want to participate this year, and I’ve been on the fence about whether or not to join this new readalong from Becca’s Catch-up Bookclub ever since it was announced. After we completed the #firstlawalong, where we read all the books in Joe Abercombie’s First Law World in August last year…
Read in December 2024
I finished November with 89 books on the counter – 94 if I count the DNFs – so I suspected that I would not reach my reading goal of 100 books this year. But a combination of fast audiobooks, shorter stories and cozy devourable books proved me wrong! I finished December with 13 books, good for 3718 pages. The average…
Read in November 2024
In December I always have all sorts of plans for the blog, to get everything in order so that I can start the new year with a clean slate. But just like every year I have all sorts of other plans, besides the fact that it is already a busy month, which makes time run away from me a bit.…
Read in October 2024
In October, Becca from Becca and The Books organized another round of Spookoplathon. Although I initially played my game very enthusiastically behind the scenes, resulting in a dedicated TBR, I quickly lost track of it and mostly read I felt like. In the end, I finished October with 5 books, good for 2113 pages. The average October book comes to…