
Instagram & WIPs

This summer my phone died.
It wasn’t completely unexpected, but I had hoped it would last until the release of the new IPhone. I had set my mind on the IPhone 5S and I hoped the release of the new model would bring down the price. Unfortunately, I do not have such luck and thus needed to buy a new phone straight away.
I still hesitated, because an IPhone does cost a lot of money, but eventually my provider of gas and electricity pushed me to buy my coveted phone.
“Huh?” I hear you think, “Your provider did?”
Well, almost around the same time I got my end-of-year bill, which stated I would get over 700 euro’s back. Now, I do know that those 700 euro’s is just money I paid too much throughout the year, but somehow it helped me justify the purchase to myself.

Anyway, this intro to announce that, now that I have such a clever phone, I have created an Instagram account. So for those who wish to follow me, you can find me here!

Nerd alert! While reading "It seemed far larger inside..." my brain immediately goed: "TARDIS!!"
Nerd alert! While reading ‘It seemed far larger inside…’ my brain immediately goed: “TARDIS!!”

I post a variety of pictures. There’s no real line in them. But it does seem that Instagram is the perfect medium for me to show you some more of my WIPs.

Error at Bookdepository :(
Error at Bookdepository 🙁
For the first time, fries in the AirFryer!
For the first time, fries in the AirFryer!

If you have been following, you might already know that I seem to have a problem with writing about my WIPs. For some reason I always want to wait until the project is finished before showing it, which results in sometimes long periods without any mention of knitting or crochet on the blog. But now I have already posted a couple of pics of projects I’m working on.

I learned to knit the magic loop!
I learned to knit the magic loop!
It's not going like I envisioned. Ripping back!
It’s not going like I envisioned. Ripping back!

So for my readers who do not have an instagram account, it thought it might be fun if I showed some of the more interesting pictures here as well.

A long commute can have it's advantages. My new gloves are done!
A long commute can have it’s advantages. My new gloves are done!
That's more like it!
That’s more like it!
The (probably) last icecream of 2015 should be a good one!
The (probably) last icecream of 2015 should be a good one!

And also in the sidebar I added a button to my Instagram account and a small mosaic of my most recent pictures.


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