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    Read in October 2022

    Eep, I’m running behind again. The end of the year is catching up with me on all sides! Anyway, this isn’t new for me for what this blog is concerned, so let’s just roll with it 😉 Hopefully I’ll manage to write out my October and November books in quick succession! Here’s the one from October! In October I read…

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    Fairyloot Adult #5: The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy

    At the end of last year, Fairyloot announced that they were going to launch a new product in March 2022, namely Adult Fantasy Book-Only subscription. While their standard subscription focuses on Young-Adult fantasy with extra goodies, this subscription would only contain fantasy books intended for an adult audience. That box would then contain only a book, with no extras. As…

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    Fairyloot Adult #4: Her Majesty’s Royal Coven

    At the end of last year, Fairyloot announced that they were going to launch a new product in March 2022, namely the Adult Fantasy Book-Only subscription. While their standard subscription focuses on Young-Adult fantasy with extra goodies, this subscription would only contain fantasy books intended for an adult audience. That box would then contain only a book, with no extras.…

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    Read in September 2022

    In September I read a total of 10 books, good for 3507 pages. The average September book is about 351 pages/book. As far as my ratings go, it was definitely a month of lots and lots of highs (a whopping 3 books of 5 stars and 2 of 4 stars) and a few minor lows (1 single book of 2…

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    Read in August 2022

    August was the month of the second semester at Orilium University. Whenever I participate in a readathon like this, my monthly number of books read often increases immensly, because as an overachiever I usually want to do more than what is strictly necessary. However, this month I’ve been trying to restrain myself a bit and enjoy the stories I read…

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    Fairyloot Adult #3: Book of Night

    At the end of last year, Fairyloot announced that they were going to launch a new product in March 2022, namely the Adult Fantasy Book-Only subscription. While their standard subscription focuses on Young-Adult fantasy with extra goodies, this subscription would only contain fantasy books intended for an adult audience. That box would then contain only a book, with no extras.…

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    Fairyloot Adult #2: The City of Dusk

    At the end of last year, Fairyloot announced that they were going to launch a new product in March 2022, namely the Adult Fantasy Book-Only subscription. While their standard subscription focuses on Young-Adult fantasy with extra goodies, this subscription would only contain fantasy books intended for an adult audience. That box would then contain only a book, with no extras.…

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    Magical Readathon: Orilium Autumn Equinox TBR

    August is already the third readathon in G’s (Book Roast) Magical Readathon Series. Until a few years ago, The Magical Readathon was a reading challenge inspired by Harry Potter, but now G has taken a completely different route and invented her own universe: Orilium. In essence, Orilium is a prestigious, magical university in the world of Aeldia. We, as readers,…

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    Mid-year reading 2022

    Since I started keeping a reading journal in 2019, I also started tracking a lot of numbers about the books I read, not only in my journal but also in a massive Excel file containing loads of data on my reading habits. Because I have now collected a couple of years of data, I can now also make some nice…