The Sword of Kaigen: special edition & review
After I backed Brandon Sanderson’s Secret Projects through Kickstarter, I regularly received advertisements for other, similar bookish campaigns that I might like. And yes, many of them sounded nice, but I managed to restrain myself. That is until I came across Wraithmark Creative‘s campaign for The Sword of Kaigen, a book that I saw popping up almost everywhere at that…
Read in November 2023
The end of the year is quickly approaching and I’m kind of scrambling to get all the blog posts I want to post before new year written and published. These last couple of weeks have been kind of busy and even though I’ve had most of my reviews ready, I procrastinated on writing the one for The Sunlit Man, which…
Review Secret Project #4: The Sunlit Man
In March 2022, author Brandon Sanderson announced – in what has now become quite the iconic YouTube video – that he had secretly written five books. He decided to offer four of those Secret Projects in a non-traditional way, through self-publishing funded by the most successful Kickstarter campaign ever. Since Brandon Sanderson is one of my favorite fantasy authors, I…
First Law Along #5: The Heroes
With this second phase of the FirstLawAlong I feel less urgency to read on, since the next books are only marginally interlinked and can mainly be read as standalone books, albeit in the same world as the original trilogy with cameos from characters we’ve met before. It was a bit difficult to motivate myself to read this second standalone novel…
Read in October 2023
October was Spookoplathon month and I managed to read all the books I had intended to read, with a couple of extra thrown in the mix. In total I read 10 books, good for 3691 pages. The average October book comes to 369 pages/book. It was a bit of an average month, with mostly good books, but also a few…
Read in September 2023
September was a month without readathons, but I still had a pretty focused TBR. I wanted to finish a few outstanding series, continue reading in another series, participate in a book club and make progress with my Owlcrate project. And with this my reading month was quickly booked! In September I read a total of 8 books, good for 2707…
Read in August 2023
August was the month of the Autumn Equinox of the magical readathon, an event that usually causes me to read a lot of books. This time, due to circumstances, I was less involved than in other years, but still managed to pass my required exams, plus extra! In August I also read significantly smaller books, in between gigantic ones. I…
First Law Along #4: Best Served Cold
The next phase of the FirstLawAlong has commenced! After finishing the finale of the first trilogy in June, we are now continuing on with a series of standalone stories in the same world.
Read in July 2023
July also remained a bit of a lukewarm reading month. On the one hand, I really had the desire to dive into a book, but on the other hand, it was very difficult for me to get into any of the books I selected. In the end, I still finished 9 books in July, amounting to 3213 pages. The average…
Review Secret Project #3: Yumi and the Nightmare Painter
In March 2022, author Brandon Sanderson announced that he had secretly written five additional books. He decided to offer four of those Secret Projects in a non-traditional way, through self-publishing funded by the most successful Kickstarter campaign ever. Since Brandon Sanderson is one of my favorite fantasy authors, I decided to support this campaign in order to get my hands…