Comet CAL #1
Last Wednesday marked the beginning of the CAL for Comet the Unicorn by Projectarian. All those who purchased the pattern will now be receiving a part of the pattern every week until December 12th. After I purchased the pattern, I started digging in my yarn stash. I refused to buy new yarn, since I have more than enough lying around…
Unicorn CAL
The other day, when I clicked open the Pinterest-app on my phone, this image immediatly jumped out to me. Of course, I immediatly clicked through and arrived on the blog of Jessie van In, a.k.a. Projectarian. This sweet unicorn is a pattern she designed based on her years of experience of crocheting her Nomadic Galaxy Pony’s. Each time she posted…
My secret santa gift
They say that you can look back at the previous year until the end of January. If that’s the case, I’m totally going to ignore that rule, since I’m a little behind with my overviews of 2017. I still have at least 4 posts under way, but that’s not the reason for this post. In this post, I want to…
Gus the knight
One of my colleagues became mom to a little boy named Gus last November. The announcement featured this tough-looking knight. So when I got to test a pattern for a knight doll for Annelies from Vicarno , I already knew to whom I was going to give my knight. I’ve finished my doll a while back, but I was not…
Dolphin madness
This fall break, my brother and his girlfriend wanted to go to London for the weekend. That’s not easy with two small children, so I agreed to stay in Belgium with my god-daughter. The baby went to London too as she still needed to be breastfed ;). Staying indoors with a two-year-old for a whole weekend wasn’t recommended by my…
Pippi Långstrump
It was about time that I got my act together and finished this doll. I started this Pippi Langkous back in September of last year. I crocheted on her non stop until I had finished her legs, body and head. Then the poor thing sat armless and hairless on my UFO-pile (BTW, UFO in the crochet world means Unfinished Object.…
Padma: CAL met Dawn Toussaint
I love Dawn Toussaint‘s amigurumi. They are all so cute and cuddly 🙂 I was intimidated for a long time to even think about trying to make one of her patterns, but with my Kitty Orange I finally made the plunge. And surprise (!), it wasn’t really that hard 😀 I discovered not so long ago that Dawn has a…
Kitty Orange is finished
Thank you everyone who voted on the nose-poll and gave their opinion! The poll results were pretty close. Almost a 50/50 vote! But, I have now managed to make a decision for Kitty’s nose! But before the big reveal, a little background 😉 Kitty was made for my godmother. She asked me to make her another amigurumi – I had…
Blub blub blub
After finishing the ripple blanket and the cerulean half granny square, I still had some scraps of the wool left. So, to stay in the sea/ocean theme, I crocheted this amigurumi fish. This is a very easy pattern to crochet. It’s freely available from this blog here. No sewing is required for this fish, as the fins are crocheted by…