• Made

    My secret santa gift

    They say that you can look back at the previous year until the end of January. If that’s the case, I’m totally going to ignore that rule, since I’m a little behind with my overviews of 2017. I still have at least 4 posts under way, but that’s not the reason for this post. In this post, I want to…

  • Made

    ♪ The cold never bothered me anyway ♪

    After I finished my blouse in sewing class, there were still two lessons left before Christmas break. I had already decided on my next project, but I didn’t really feel like starting it already. So instead I brought a project to class for which the pieces had been cut since summer, but for which I didn’t have the courage to…

  • Made

    Sewing a blouse

    I don’t think I have ever mentioned here, on the English side of the blog, that I also started sewing. During the school year of 2016-2017 I enrolled in a basic sewing course for beginners. This was the very first time ever that I touched a sewing machine and the classes marked the beginning of a (difficult) learning process with…

  • Made

    Adventure in colour

    For the birthday of one of my nieces, I wanted to knit a cute dress and I had fallen in love with a pattern that required a technique that I have been wanting to learn since before I could knit: fair isle knitting. The Banasik Tunic by designer Anna Rauf, or Cicha on Ravelry, is a seamless dress that’s knit…

  • Happened

    Bye 2017, hello 2018

    Let me start by wishing you all the very best for the new year! May 2018 bring you everything you wish for and more! The blog has been neglected this last month and the English side of it even longer so. My last English post dates as far back as to the summer of 2016! Amazing how fast time goes…

  • Made

    Every little girl wants to be queen Elsa

    The plan to systematically translate my Flemish (=Dutch) posts in English has lost a bit of its wind, since I’ve been omitting so much translations. My last translation dates as far back as October 2015, while I have been posting fairly regularly in Dutch. I think this is partly because I don’t know how much interest there is in my…

  • Made

    Made another security blanket

    I’ve been neglecting this place again, haven’t I? These last two weeks were a bit *meh*. I had to briefly go to Finland again for work and once I got back I wasn’t feeling 100%. But I never feel sick enough to justify to myself to stay home and I also don’t easily go to the doctor. So I kept…

  • Happened

    Instagram & WIPs

    This summer my phone died. It wasn’t completely unexpected, but I had hoped it would last until the release of the new IPhone. I had set my mind on the IPhone 5S and I hoped the release of the new model would bring down the price. Unfortunately, I do not have such luck and thus needed to buy a new…

  • Made

    Gus the knight

    One of my colleagues became mom to a little boy named Gus last November. The announcement featured this tough-looking knight. So when I got to test a pattern for a knight doll for Annelies from Vicarno , I already knew to whom I was going to give my knight. I’ve finished my doll a while back, but I was not…

  • Seen

    Movie review: La Belle et la Bête (2014)

    That I am a huge fan of the fairytale Beauty and the Beast, you might already have gathered? It was the very first Disney film that I saw in the theatre and it is still today my favourite Disney film ever. No matter which book that is said to have been inspired by this tale, I must and shall read…