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    Angel Wings Pinafore turned to Dress

    The original pattern for this dress is, as its name says, actually a pinafore, which means it is made to be open at the back. The pattern is a free one by Maxine Gonser. I made some small adjustments to make an actual dress. Below I’ll provide a copy of the actual pattern in black text. My adjustments are added…

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    Planned random

    A couple of days back there was again a discussion on Ravelry about the random use of colours. The popular projects by Lucy from Attic24 are always very colourful and each colour is chosen at random by grabbing in a bag without looking.           ©Attic24 – ©dennismarquez – ©Nanita – ©tiggersjp I can’t do this. I don’t know why,…

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    Pattern: Hearts Blanket

    Hello all! As you can see, I’m back from vacation and here to give you the reason why you probably all visit me 😉 : the translation of the popular post explaining how to make the hearts blanket.      I must say I’m quite overwhelmed by all the attention my rainbow heart blanket has been (and still is) receiving on…

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    Tutorial: Ministeck Join

    Goodday to you all! Today I shall try to explain to you, with lots of pictures and charts, how I joined my squares in my kaleidoscope blanket a.k.a. the ministeck join. It really is a very easy and very quick method. Perfect to join hundreds of little squares ^_^ . Important to know is that this join will only work…

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    Pippi Långstrump

    It was about time that I got my act together and finished this doll. I started this Pippi Langkous back in September of last year. I crocheted on her non stop until I had finished her legs, body and head. Then the poor thing sat armless and hairless on my UFO-pile (BTW, UFO in the crochet world means Unfinished Object.…

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    Padma: CAL met Dawn Toussaint

    I love Dawn Toussaint‘s amigurumi. They are all so cute and cuddly 🙂 I was intimidated for a long time to even think about trying to make one of her patterns, but with my Kitty Orange I finally made the plunge. And surprise (!), it wasn’t really that hard 😀 I discovered not so long ago that Dawn has a…

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    Kitty Orange is finished

    Thank you everyone who voted on the nose-poll and gave their opinion! The poll results were pretty close. Almost a 50/50 vote! But, I have now managed to make a decision for Kitty’s nose! But before the big reveal, a little background 😉 Kitty was made for my godmother. She asked me to make her another amigurumi – I had…

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    How I learned to Crochet

    Crocheting; a necessity if you want to make amigurumi. I have always had a vague interest for crocheting, but never ventured further than an interest. The only thing I could crochet was a chain. With my fingers. 8) But now that I wanted to create amigurumi I had to learn how to crochet properly. During a visit I had told…