Gryffindor beanies
After finishing the Harry Potter scarves on my Addi, I still had some of the used yarn left over and an itch in my fingers to continue working on the machine. And what goes better with scarves than hats?
So I started experimenting with configurations of yarn stripes, first with the Gryffindor leftovers.
Since I didn’t have enough left over to make a hat completely in the assigned house colours, I chose a grey yarn from my stash as a base colour. And this brought to mind the Hogwarts House Cardigans from the Harry Potter movies, which are mainly grey with only the house colours at the hem and sleeve cuffs.
And this was enough to inspire this first hat, which only required very little of the left over coloured yarn.
I liked the result of the first hat, but since I still had quite some coloured yarn left over, I decided to try and make some bolder colour stripes, which resulted in this second hat, which also look quite good.
But still, I think I prefer the solid house coloured look, without the grey for hats, so I dug up some left over yarn from when I made the Weasley Sweater for my goddaughter.
Now, this red yarn is very fine, so not exactly suited to use in the machine. At least not if you use it in a single strand, so instead I tried if the machine would be able to use the yarn held double. And it did! Although, I had to be very vigilant while turning the crank to make sure each needle picked up both strands, but working slow works to, with this nice endresult!
And this nice experiment yielded another couple of extras for a Christmas present. But, now I only had made Gryffindor extras, which just didn’t sit right with me. So I came up with something else, but what that was, you’ll read about next time!