Pippi Långstrump
It was about time that I got my act together and finished this doll.
I started this Pippi Langkous back in September of last year. I crocheted on her non stop until I had finished her legs, body and head.
Then the poor thing sat armless and hairless on my UFO-pile (BTW, UFO in the crochet world means Unfinished Object. Cool, huh?) until January of this year. Then I continued finishing and attaching her arms, crocheted her apron and started on the daunting task of creating her hair.
I had never made hair for a doll before, so I was really apprehensive when I started it. But why I was so hesitant has now eluded me. It’s actually really easy to make hair.
Okay, it does take some time, especially when you have to untwist the different strands of thread from the yarn you’re using to make finer hair. Then each strand of hair is weaved in separately. So it’s no quick task.
But in the end, the actual making of the wig was surprisingly enough quite easy. There was no need at all to hesitate and postpone making her hair, I just needed time and patience.
And I think my very first wig turned out pretty good 🙂
And after that, Pippi stayed faceless for another month. Yep, while crocheting I had completely forgotten about attaching the safety eyes, and by the time I realised it, it was already to late. So now I had to embroider both the eyes and mouth.
I always tend to leave this task, because the look of the face can make or break your doll, and yeah, I’m a woos, always thinking I’ll ruin the whole doll whenever I even think of coming near to it with a threaded needle.
So, faceless Pippi lay in my closet for another month, but now I finally got the courage to completely finish her. And thankfully, even though I’m not the worlds greatest embroiderer, my doll isn’t ruined.
Pattern for this doll can be purchased at Esty from the wonderful designer K and J Dolls.