Work in Progress

Genre blanket 2022: October

Talking about procrastination, how embarrassing is it that I’m still working on this 2022 genre blanket? Admittedly, I only have the last trimester left, but still, we are now almost halfway through 2023! Tsk, tsk!
Fortunately, my desire to knit or crochet is starting to rekindle. Coupled with beautiful weekend days and an audio book in the ear and I see some crochet lines being ticked off again!

October genres
1. Mystery
2. Adult Fantasy
3. YA Fantasy
4. Adult Fantasy
5. Mystery
6. Mystery
7. Historical
8. Horror
9. Mystery
10. Adult Fantasy
11. Thriller

In October last year I read eleven books, spread over six genres. This means a nice collection of different colours in this part of the blanket, but still with a predominantly green-colored result.

The blanket has grown so large that it is becoming increasingly difficult to photograph it in its entirety, while it is nicely stretched out. It works if I stand on a stepstool or something and then stretch out my arms really far, but because of this I can’t see what I’m photographing, so it’s only luck if the blanket is completely in the picture, lol.

But personally I also like the photos where the blanket is just thrown on something. It nicely shows the different colours and how, even though they are different, they fit together nicely thanks to the gray base color.
Also, these pictures hide the fact that the blanket is skewed, lol. Seriously, I’m trying to get over it 😉

And now only two months (still good for 16 stripes) to go. The finish line is finally in sight!!!
