
Bye 2017, hello 2018

Let me start by wishing you all the very best for the new year! May 2018 bring you everything you wish for and more!

The blog has been neglected this last month and the English side of it even longer so. My last English post dates as far back as to the summer of 2016! Amazing how fast time goes by, really.
But this last month wasn’t a good blogmonth for the Dutch blog either. I’ve been struggling with a reading slump since September, which then extended to a general blogging slump.
The fact that I also had a million different plans for handmade Christmas presents also didn’t promote blogging, since I spent every free minute I had on crocheting, knitting and even sewing.

In addition, my grandfather passed away at the beginning of December, which made all of this blogging seem rather frivolous in the aftermath. So it was a rather strange end-of-year period with a slightly bitter Christmas.

Otherwise it was a fairly calm end of 2017, with lots of TV, cocooning, cooking, crafts and board games. Sometimes that’s just what I need.

And now on to a 2018 full of positivism, enthusiasm and creativity!

And how was your end of year period?

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