
Reading Journal 2022: looking back

On the Flemish/Dutch part of the blog, I’ve already shared a couple of sneaky looks at my final year spreads for my reading journal of 2022.
I’ve shared my reading statistics*, an overview of all the readathons* I participated in and I made a whole post about reading series* and how I keep track of them, in which I also shared the relevant reading journal spreads. But since there are still a couple of spreads that I haven’t shown again since their initial set-up at the beginning of 2022, I still felt it would be interesting to make a separate post in which I browse through each page with you!

* : The mentioned posts are currently only written in my native language (Flemish/Dutch), because I was too lazy to translate them at the time. Additionally, many of my source material, such as my reading journal and my reading spreadsheets are mostly written in Dutch, so I often feel like it wouldn’t be interesting to translate the blog post anyway, due to the many photo’s/screenshots still being fully in Dutch. BUT, if anyone would express interest to read a certain not-translated post in English, feel free to ask me about it πŸ™‚

My reading journal of 2022 has certainly served me well. The A5-format I used is almost completely filled. I literally have only 3 pages left at the end!

The first 2 spreads have remained unchanged since when I made them at the start of 2022, which was also their purpose.
The first was a title page, with a quote from The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson, which I found very appropriate for an avid reader. Everyone needs a little escapism sometimes, right?
The second spread is a reference-guide to the review system I use, called BALSPEL, which was completely inspired by and adapted from CAWPILE from BookRoast.
Basically, what I did was translate the English CAWPILE categories to Dutch and also replaced a couple of categories that didn’t work so well for me, when I used the original CAWPILE version. I also made it so that my acronym is an actual word in Dutch (BALSPEL = ball game), because I’m extra like that πŸ˜› .

C – Characters B – Begin = beginning
A – Atmosphere A – Atmosfeer = atmorphere
W – Writing style L – verhaalLijn = plot
P – Plot S – schrijfstijl = writing style
I – Intrigue P – personages = characters
L – Logic E – einde = ending
E – Enjoyment L – leesplezier = enjoyment

The next couple of spreads is my master list with all books read in 2022; 114 in total.

Next my spread with anticipated releases for 2022, which also shows which of these I actually also read in 2022.
In total I wrote down 43 books, of which I actually read 23. So just over half.

I do notice that this is something that I mainly focus on and keep track of at the beginning of the year. As the year progresses I am less aware of new publications and which ones I look forward to, except when it comes to a follow-up to a series.

This is my spread with the books I physically hauled.
Every year I stubbornly stick to setting up a single double page, but every year I also have to make some adjustment to have enough room. 2022 was no different in that respect, lol.

I bought a total of 90 new books, including all books from the various book boxes to which I’m subscribed. Of all these purchases, I only actually finished reading 37 in 2022, or in some cases were books that I had first read via audio-book or e-book that I absolutely wanted a real copy of.

The next two spreads deals with series.
The first one was to keep track of all my backlog series, to make sure I don’t forget about them. The second one is where I could record new series started.
In the end I also included a new Dutch-door to record some specific statistics pertaining series, which I did explain in this Dutch post.

The next spreads dedicated to my bookbox subscriptions required some Frankensteining throughout the year as well.
The first page on the left was simply a list of all books I had received through various subscriptions before 2022 that I hadn’t yet read.
On the right I only had one table at the beginning of 2022, to record my Fairyloot books of that year, since at that time that was the only subscription I had.
Later on, however, I got a subscription to the new Fairyloot Adult bookservice as well and a couple of months later I also got of the waiting list at Illumicrate. So for these two new subscription boxes, I needed to tape in a new dutch-door tape of page.

As for reading the backlog bookbox-books, I made some progress, but nothing to write home about. Of the 36 listed books, I only read 5 in 2022.
Of the 24 new books that came in in 2022, I finished 7.

The next couple of spreads were made for two year-long readathons.
There was the A to Z challenge, which I mainly added in because I was so in love with this spread from Psychonautjournaling.

The other one is a well-known Flemish challenge, first introduced by Kathleen from the blog, which has now started to live its own live on Goodreads.

Then my spread with my 2022 reading goals. My 4 goals were:

  • Read 100 books: ✓
  • Read 10% in Dutch: ✗
  • Read 30% from owned books: ✓
  • Read 5 books with more than 550 pages: ✓

My reading trackers, where I keep track of my star-ratings, type of reading format, whether a book is a standalone or part of a series, the target audience and the genres.

Next up is a year-at-a-glance type of thing, with on the left side a graph showing the books & pages read per month and on the right the days read.

This spread was an experiment. I really do like the result, but it took an extra effort to fill it out, since I already ad a lot of quotes in my individual book reviews, so it felt kind of redundant to repeat the same ones. So I didn’t make this spread again for my 2023 reading journal

This was the final spread I set-up at the start of the year. On the left side my favourite books of each month and on the right side the book-bracket for selecting the book of the year.
No surprises there which book won!

But, I am very aware that this method is not really a perfect method of choosing favourites. It happens that I have a month where I only read lackluster books or a month with more than one awesome read. So by forcing to choose by month, some books that otherwise wouldn’t be favourites get selected, and vice versa.

Which is why I had left open a spread at the beginning of the year to have another type of “favourites” selection.
Every year I go about this a little differently, but this year I went for a simple 22 books of 2022.

Normally I also write a separate post about my favourite books of the year, but I don’t know if I’ll still do this for 2022. We are already in the 3rd month of 2023 and it feels a bit outdated. So yeah, if that post doesn’t get written, I can at least refer you to this πŸ˜‰

Finally, to close of this message, I give you an overview of all my monthly title pages of 2022. Always nice to see!
I am proud of this reading journal. Very pretty, even if I do say so myself!


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